Saturday, April 20, 2013

Pay it forward on Earth Day

Pay it forward day is a random-acts-of-kindness marathon
Pay it Forward Day is coming up on April 25. It’s a random-acts-of-kindness marathon where you spend 24 hours delighting people. It’s about simple gestures, that’s all. Smiles, thoughtful notes and visits, cookies for your neighbours…
The Pay it Forward movement reminds people that initiating simple acts of kindness makes everyone feel better about themselves and the world.

What if we made Earth Day more meaningful this year by adopting the Pay it Forward attitude, practiced acts of kindness towards the earth, beginning on April 22, Earth Day?

Pay it Forward reminds you that the little things can make a big difference and that a lot of little things strung together can set the ball rolling for truly great change.
It’s the same with making environmentally friendly tweaks to our lifestyle. All of our little changes for the better can make a difference in the world. And like the Pay it Forward movement, we benefit as much as the environment does.

So start your Pay it Forward on April 22 – Earth Day:

Have a screen-free day at your house and get out and play instead. That means no TV, no Internet, no ipods, no computers. The average American spends 90% of their time indoors. We could all use more fresh air, especially kids. (Last year Active Healthy Kids Canada reported that kids in Grades 6 to 12 spend an average of seven hours, 48 minutes each day on screens.)
Celebrate a buy nothing day, or two. It’s so easy to buy things we don’t really need. See if you can go at least a couple of days without buying anything.
Have a lights-out evening at home. Just like Earth Hour plan and evening of fun activity with the lights out and the TV and computer off. Enjoy a meal or play games by candlelight and talk.
Look under your sink and in your broom closet and toss any cleaner that has a skull and crossbones on the label. (Any corrosive, toxic, flammable, or reactive chemicals have to go to the Household Hazardous Waste facility at Crane Mountain).
Toss everyday cleaners that don’t list ingredients on the label or that you know aren’t eco-friendly. If they’re bad for the environment they’re bad for you too. From oven cleaner to room freshener there are eco-friendly options for everything and ridding your house of toxic cleaners will keep you and your family healthier too.
Compost and recycle. Plastic (#’s 1, 2 and 5), cans, milk cartons, paper, boxboard and corrugated cardboard can all go in the blue bins.
Plan a meatless meal, or a whole day without meat. According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, the best thing anyone can do for the environment is eat less meat.  Cutting it out of your diet just one day a week is a start.
Don’t forget to Pay to Forward to family, friends and complete strangers on Pay it Forward Day, April 25.



Anonymous said...

The importance of earth day should be understandable by each and every person taking breathe. Efforts should be made to make our earth greener and healthier.

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