Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Green living lessons from the 2013 Christmas ice storm

How to use less water and electricity for a more eco-friendly home
The ice storm taught us that we can get by with less water and less electricity.
Challenging times have a way of teaching us life lessons. Although I wouldn’t wish another outage on anyone I’m happy to admit that I learned a lot during our two (half) days in the dark.

For most it was an exhausting reminder of our dependence on power, it exposed how self-sufficient we are (or aren’t) and proved how we can call get by with less.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

How to avoid toxic food colouring

Avoid toxic food colouring buy using natural, plant basedl food colouring
Food colouring is toxic. Instead, choose natural, plant-based food colouring. http://www.indiatree.com

Christmas is the season of candy and colour. Brightly tinted cookies and colourful holiday candies seem to suit the season. They’re fun and festive. But if you do a little research on food colouring you start to wonder about how healthy it really is to be eating foods that are so unnaturally vibrant.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Wrap rage - how to reduce packaging for a more eco-friendly home

How to reduce packaging for a more eco-friendly home
Choosing products with less packaging is a way to support companies that are more eco-minded.

Have you ever experienced “wrap rage”, that feeling of extreme frustration when trying to open a new purchase that is secured in the Fort Knox of packaging? It isn’t limited to those of us challenged to open the packages on children’s toys, all manner of products, edible and otherwise are heavily packaged – over packaged some might say – and it takes a good pair of kitchen scissors and a dose of patience to open them.